The reason for this is that within the film a large proportion of the boys shown are in fact involved in crime. Yet in some ways the film itself helps to perpetuate the idea of African-Americans as trouble makers. The treatment received by Tre Styles and his father when they call the authorities to get help with a burglary shows how these figures tend to consider black persons as being the cause of trouble rather than needing help from it. Order custom essay Analyze the Boyz N the Hood Essay This fear is shown to stem from the fact that many of these persons are often treated with distrust by these authority figures mainly as a result of their skin color. Several scenes within the movie demonstrate the fear that young Black persons have toward persons with legal authority. A major stereotype found within this movie is the idea of the African-American youth being delinquent and having nothing good to contribute to society. In making this movie the director achieves, therefore, a social commentary on the state of affairs within the average African-American community. Several of the scenes deal with such ideas as discrimination, interaction of minorities with representatives of the majority and stereotyping. Within the movie, one finds several issues being addressed, and the writer-director uses certain techniques that help to solidify certain socio-cultural ideas that are prevalent within the country. and Laurence Fishburne) presents an inside look at the terrors that take place in the virtually segregated black neighborhoods of the United States. The 1991 movie Boyz N the Hood (directed by John Singleton and starring Cuba Gooding Jr.